Eye doctor

Eye doctor

March 8, 2013

Starting a new chapter! Madilyn story

So here it's been almost a year since I have posted anything on Madilyn's blog! I feel I need to start up again not only for my sake but for my family sake! It's the best way to keep family and friends aware of Madilyn special journey here on earth and better yet let you see how blessed we are to have her in our lives! Its been a crazy here with 2 hospitalizations, and lots of scares but along the way we have had much joy seeing Madilyn personality come to life! She has brought much laughter and joy into all my family's life.  She has made me realize what is most important in life, and that isnt cars, houses, cloths, toys, or even money! Its simple, life! Life well spent with her and my family:) So instead of bringing you fully up to date I'm just going to start with the present day! (Much easier that way)
        Today was a very eventful day to say the lease ! Not only did Madilyn have her opthamolgy appointment at primary children's I also had Austin 2nd dental work up appointment where he received 3 fillings and 2 baby root canals! ( poor kid) ! So I was already emotionally distrout from that! So normal at Madilyns appointments I usually have her aunt there with me or my husband or usually both! It's good moral support for me! But today neither one of them could make it so I was off on my own! Which wasn't good, cuz of course I received bad news. The one day my husband isn't there of course, what are the odds. Her eye doctor said that she has optic atrophy and partial cross eye   On left eye! He notice the atrophy in her eyes was worst then 2 years ago . So what does this mean? So it is associated with progressive neurological problems and coincides with one another ! Will madie loose eye sight, not sure. Eyes get worse yes ! The doctor did say in a year or so we could consider eye surgery to help ! Bad news is never fun lots of tears shed but so we go on and enjoy what we have ! I can't dwell on the news cuz it doesn't do me any good! I just held her a little tighter and kissed her a little more ! Hang in there Madie mommy loves you :)

July 11, 2010

new addition to the family Madilyn Grace Newman

Madilyn was born december 11th, 2009. weighing 6 pounds. She has a ton of black hair and a cute little doll face. Everyone can't believe how much hair she has!!!It was a rough 9 months but we are glad she is here and safe!!!! The kids adore her and just can't get enough of her. Especially her daddy.

November 19, 2008

Halloween In Rexburg

Since we live in Utah, and have spent the last 5 years trick or treating here, we thought it would be fun to head to Rexburg for Halloween. We went to Julie's trunk or treat, then went trick or treating in Jenise Porters' neighborhood. It was a little chilly, but it was fun being with my family for Halloween! Austin was Batman and Lexi was a princess (of coarse).
Photos coming soon!

Birthdays Austin 1 and Lexi 4

Austin and Lexis Birthday's are only 6 days apart April 29th and May 5th, but since it was Austin's first birthday I decided it would be mean to celebrate them together. So lucky for him and Lexi they both had their day to shine. Lexi had a Princess party and Austin a football Party!

November 12, 2008